Why I Quit Being a Professor? (Some of The Common Reasons in 2024)

One of the biggest reputable positions that you can ever think of is to become a professor. But it does not mean that you will be always happy getting that position. There are many professors who think to quit this job and there is nothing wrong with it. If you are also one of them here are some of my reasons why I quit being a professor. Hope you get to know when and why should you quit your job.

Quick Takeaways 

  • Following are the reasons why I quit my professor job-
1. Personal reasons
2. Financial Considerations
3. Working environment
4. Professional development
5. Heavy workload
6. Low salary
7. Funding the research
8. Time-consuming

However, you must read till the end so that you get to understand all the reasons in detail.

Why I Quit Being a Professor? (Some of The Common Reasons in 2024)

Why I quit being a professor?

Obviously, you will have to leave the students with whom you have connected in the past few years when you decide to quit the professor job. It is very disheartening when a professor has to quit his/her job. However, there can be several reasons why you may want to quit your job as a professor-

1. Personal reasons

Everyone has their own personal goals and expectations from the job they are doing. You must determine if your current job is aligned with the long-term plans. If you are still not happy and not satisfied with your current position you may want to leave it or see other options.

2. Financial Considerations

There are many institutions that do not offer you many health and retirement plans. If you are also in such a situation you may think of switching to another institution. On the contrary, you may not receive a lot of benefits from it. Thus try to be sure about the financial stability of the institution you are going to.

Why I Quit Being a Professor? (Some of The Common Reasons in 2024)

3. Working environment

If you find your working environment not good or maybe toxicos stressful then you may want to change your job career. You may think of leaving your faculty position for mental and emotional health. It is because having a good working environment is very important for your well-being.

4. Professional development 

If you are not getting any opportunity for your professional growth and development in the current institution, then you may need to change the institution or at other career choices. As you are a faculty you will be able to improve your skills and work on various research. It will help you to improve your network and you can think of getting other opportunities in your career.

5. Heavy workload

Most of the professors have to deal with a lot of work like teaching grading the students, conducting research, etc. In addition to that you may also have to attend various conferences and department meetings which again may be hectic for you.

Why I Quit Being a Professor? (Some of The Common Reasons in 2024)

6. Low salary

Professors are usually paid lower salaries, especially during the first few years of being a professor. There are usually two types of professors tenured and non-tenured. If you are hurt anywhere professor you will be getting a higher salary. However, it takes a lot of effort and time to get attacked position. 

7. Funding the research

As a professor, you will have to take part in various research and publications. For it, you will need to have a lot of funding to do the related research. The biggest problem that you may be facing is getting funds for your research and publications.

8. Time-consuming

If you are an adjunct assistant professor or a visiting assistant professor the duties you will be performing will be more about research than a full-time Professor. In such a case, it will be less time-consuming. However, you will be a full-time professor your job will be less time-consuming. 

Is the life of a professor stressful?

Why I Quit Being a Professor? (Some of The Common Reasons in 2023)

The life of a professor is definitely stressful as they will have to deal with different research, publications, administrative responsibilities, etc. You will need to produce original research and publications. In addition to that you will need to teach the students, prepare the lectures and grade them properly. Also, you may need to take part in administrative duties and take part in different departmental duties. You may also need to go to different institutions to give guest lectures to the students. 

How to quit the job?

The first thing you will need to go through in the process of leaving is to go through the rules and regulations of the professor. It is because every institution has its own rules to leave the job. You may either have to give the application to the higher authority or may have to directly get in contact with them. There are many institutions that will give you the alternatives for your solution, you may find the right one. However, if it does not work for you, then you will have to follow the next step. Depending upon the institution, you may have to work for some days even after you apply for resignation.

What are the cons of being a professor?

Being a professor means that you will have to take 6-7 classes in a single day. It means that it is a time-consuming job. In addition to that you may also have to fund your own research work. Further, as a professor, you will have to work according to the rules and regulations of the institution. You will not have any flexibility as you will be bound by regulations. Additionally, you may be given lower salaries which may not be appropriate depending upon the duties you are performing. Being a professor is definitely a reputable job but if you are not hired at the right institution then it may be full of stress.


Being a professor is a very honourable job but definitely is one of the most stressful jobs. You will not only be responsible for teaching the students but also responsible for grading them and taking part in different meetings. Additionally, you may be getting low salaries or maybe getting disrespected by your fellow professors. Of course, all these things make you think about quitting the job but still you must make sure that you have thought about all the other possible options before making the decision to quit the job.


Is it OK to quit the professor job?

Quitting your job is very hard, whether you are a professor or are in a different profession. It takes all your courage to leave the one you are already in. But if you are not happy then you are not left with any of the options except for leaving your job. However, you must remember that you should try to consider all other other options first. Try to talk to the administration to resolve your problem. In addition to that you can think of trying to speak to other professors and discuss the problem you are facing. There is a possibility that you can get the solution to the problem you are facing. However, if still things don’t work in your favour then you should quit your job as a professor.

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