How to Ask a Professor to Be Your Advisor? (Answered 2024)

As a student at a higher level of education, you will need to have someone to become your advisor. An advisor is the person who will help you through your academic session. Although some institutions may have academic advisors to help you, you may want to have your professor become a personal advisor. In such a case it is important for you to ask them to become your advisor. Therefore here we will be discussing who are the advisor and how to ask a professor to be your advisor. 

Quick Takeaways

  • Graduate advisors are the ones who have earned a lot of experience, and also have worked with different students and professionals in the field of academics. 
  • Having a graduate advisor will help you in different ways like giving expertise, increasing networking, personalized interactions, and personalized development.
  • You must follow the given steps to ask the professor to become an advisor-
1.Choose the professor
2. Start developing a connection
3. Make an interesting request
4. Have a meeting 
5. Tell them about the expectations and ask for support
6. Follow-up with the professor


However, you must read till the end so that you do not miss important facts related to who is a graduate and how to ask a professor to become one.

How to Ask a Professor to Be Your Advisor? (Answered 2024)

Who are the graduate advisors?

Graduate advisors are the ones who have earned a lot of experience, and also have worked along with different students and professionals in the field of academics. They are the ones who will guide you through your graduate program, and will also help you to identify your potential. They will help you to choose the right course and the subject to study. They will help you to navigate through the difficult challenges that can come throughout the academic sessions. Additionally, they will help you to increase your knowledge in the subject you are interested in.

How to ask a professor to be your advisor?

Following are the steps to follow to ask the professor to become your advisor –

1. Choose the professor

Before going to the professor you must first do proper research about which professor is specialized in which subject. It means that you must do proper research about the subjects in which different professors have specialisation. For this choosing the right professor is very important and there were you must know what to expect from your professor. Suppose you are doing research on financial inclusion, then you must have a professor who is an expert in financial economics and not in macro or microeconomics. 

How to Ask a Professor to Be Your Advisor? (Answered 2024)

2. Start developing a connection

Once you have identified the professor you want to have as an advisor the next step is to build up a relationship with them. One thing you must remember is that it does not mean that you need to date a professor but you must have a professional relationship with your professor. Start getting engaged with the professor by asking different types of questions and having a genuine interest in their research. 

3. Make an interesting request

When you have created a good relationship with your professor the next step is to send them the request for becoming your advisor. You must make sure that you are rightly introducing yourself to the professor and also share with them the publications and the research work you have done. Further, you must also remember to show your gratitude towards them and also give reasons why you want them to be your advisor. In addition to that, you must also try to add all your achievements so that your professor agrees to become your professor. 

4. Have a meeting 

How to Ask a Professor to Be Your Advisor? (Answered 2024)

Once you have sent your request through an email or a letter you will need to arrange a meeting with the professor. Try to communicate with them more about the project you want to work on and why you want them to be your advisor. Make the most use of this meeting as it will be your first and maybe the last chance to bring the professor to your side. Try to be in an engaging conversation with your professor.

5. Tell them about the expectations and ask for support

When you are in the conversation with the professor you must make sure that you have discussed what you are expecting from the professor. You must make sure that you are not adding any unnecessary information that may make the professor pissed off. Ask for their support and guidance in completing the projects. Show them how lucky you would be for getting their sport and guidance.

6. Follow-up with the professor

You will need to follow up with the professor regularly once you are completed with your meeting. It is because it will look like you are really passionate about your work and really want to have that professor as your mentor. It can be a game-changer for you. Of course, there may be chances that your Professor may not accept your request to become an advisor. In such a case when you will be taking follow-ups with your professor, they may accept your request by seeing your efforts.

How to Ask a Professor to Be Your Advisor? (Answered 2024)

Why having an advisor is important?

An advisor adds a great advantage to your academics.  Below we have added the benefits of having the advisor-

1. Getting personalized mentorship

The biggest benefit that you will be getting is the personalised mentorship that is face-to-face interactions and guidance. You will not need to look at online videos to get help. All you need to do is to go to your professor and get their guides. They will not only help you in giving guidance for academics but may also help you to develop different skills like organisational skills, time management etc.

2. Bring expertise

A professor is one who is an expert in his or her branch of study. It means that you will be getting a lot of expertise in the subject they are teaching you. Of course, they will be able to guide you to choose the right subject that will help you in future. It is because along with their knowledge, they also have the understanding of finding out the potential of the student. Therefore, they will be able to understand your potential right and can guide you for the same.

How to Ask a Professor to be Your Advisor? (Answered 2023)

3. Networking 

When you have your professor as an advisor to get a chance to connect with a lot of people. As your professor has a lot of networks it increases your chance to establish your academic connections with other people. It may also help you with more opportunities as your advisor will always know what is your potential side. In short, you can get good letters of recommendation from the professors and the network you have grown. You may also get to connect with different PhD scholars and other people who are already working on different publications. It may also help you in developing your research skills and can get guidance on how to develop your final project.

4. Help in a research project

As discussed your mentor will not only help you in choosing the right subjects through the year but will also help you in research projects. It means that they will also guide you in the research project you are working on. They will give you deep knowledge about the subject you are working on. Further, it will help you to develop research skills and can also give you guidance about how to collect the data, which tool to use, etc. It will not only help you in the current research work but will also help you in future research projects.

How to Ask a Professor to be Your Advisor? (Answered 2023)

5. Professional development

As discussed above you will be getting guidance about how to work on different publications, which will help you to develop professionally. Of course, the mentorship you will be getting from them will help you get a lot of professional values. Further of course they have worked with a lot of other professionals and have a good understanding of the professional world. You may also get to know about how to work in industry-related fields.

6. Strong relation

When you have a professor as an academic advisor, you will not only develop a professional but emotional relationship. Your professor will see you closely and will know how much effort and hard work you have put into your academics. It will not only help you in academics but definitely will help you in your career growth. It is because when you have a strong relationship with the professor, you can always ask the help when you need it.

Questions to Ask Your Academic Advisor in College


An advisor is the one who helps you in your academics throughout the year. It means that they will be guiding you about what subject to take and also on what topic you will need to do the research. It is important for you to have an advisor and therefore you must understand how can you ask a professor to be your advice. Starting with you must understand this specialisation of your professor. Further, send them a request which shows how important it is for you to get them as an advisor.

Try to set a meeting with them where you can have meaningful conversations with them do not forget to take a follow-up from them as it may help you to get the professor at your side. Having the professor as your advisor is very important as it not only helps you to grow in your academics but also helps you to develop professionally and increase your networking.


How do you email a professor for advice?

If you want to get advice from the professor, make sure that you have mentioned the right subject and that you are starting with the right salutation. Further, make sure that you are starting by introducing yourself and adding the right content related to the reason why you are sending the email. Tell them why you want only their advice and show them how grateful you are to have their guidance. 

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