Category: Professor

Do Professors talk about their Students

Do Professors talk about their Students?

Many students think that the professor talks about the students. They have many questions regarding it such as do they talk about the students in a positive way or do they talk about the...

30+ Questions to Ask Research Professor

30+ Questions to Ask Research Professor

Getting to a new institution fills you with both excitement and nervousness. Of course, you will feel excited about meeting new friends and professors, getting into new classes, etc. However, meeting new friends and...

What Happens if a Professor Dies (Answered)

What Happens if a Professor Dies (Answered)

Every student has a very strong relationship with their favourite professor. Not only they are attached to them for academics but also sometimes they get connected with them emotionally and mentally. But life is...

Do Professors Round up Grades (Answered)

Do Professors Round up Grades? (Answered)

The grading system of the higher education system is different for each institution and thus is very confusing.  It is also different from the middle school and thus there are lot of confusion related...

Can Professors Change Grades After a Semester

Can Professors Change Grades After a Semester?

After every semester grading is given to the students which shows the performance of the academic progress and knowledge of the student shows the report of every subject and overall report. There also arises...