5+ Ways to Deal With Late Submissions (Professor Guide)

Late submission means getting the assignment from the students after the deadline. It shows the incapability of the students to submit the work on time. Although it looks frustrating as a professor you must try to understand the problem of the student first. Of course, it is the same story for almost each of the semesters you are teaching the students. Thus you must try to figure out ways to deal with late submissions so that they do not stress about it and can work on the assignment easily.

Quick Takeaways

  • Following are the ways to deal with late submissions-
1. Homework Pass
2. Extension of date 
3. Giving flexible dates
4. No homework policy
5. Submitting the work in progress
6. Penalties
7. Allowing the late submission

However, you must read till the end so that you do not miss any important facts related to the ways to deal with late submission.

5+ Ways to Deal With Late Submissions (Professor Guide)

What are some of the ways to deal with late submissions?

Following are the ways to deal with the late submission-

1. Homework Pass

Some professors allow a pass on the basis of homework the students do. Most teachers will allow one point of two points to pass and not more than that. It means that if the student only has one or two points less than the passing marks then only you will give them a homework pass. They may also get a next class pass in which they will be allowed to work for one more day and give the completed work and may also get an extra credit point.

2. Extension of date 

There are many professors who will give the students an extension of the daytime if they ask the professors. However, some of the professors may only give it if they have an unavoidable reason for late submission. On the other hand, some professors may not allow them to extend the date even if they have a valid reason. Getting an extension will not only help the student to complete the work but may also make the strongest relationship between you and them. Further, it may also help them to get in contact with you easily to clear their future doubts.

5+ Ways to Deal With Late Submissions (Professor Guide)

3. Giving flexible dates

There are many professors who do not give a fixed date to the professor. Instead, they let the students submit their work on different dates assigned to them. It allows the student to make a plan and work accordingly. In such a case the teacher will give some incentive to the students who completed the assignment early in that time frame. It means that if the student completes the work in the first 2-3 days of the week, they may be getting faster feedback which may help in improving the assignment. 

4. No homework policy

Many professors believe that giving homework should not be a part of evaluating the student. They believe that all the meaningful work is done in the classroom and therefore the teacher should give feedback accordingly. Instead of giving them homework, they should give more time to the students to complete their long-term projects which will also help them to gain extra knowledge.

On the other hand, some professors allow the students to choose the right amount of homework they will have to complete. As every student is different, you may ask them to choose how much practice they need to do in a day. It will not only help them to get homework credit but will also help them in learning the subject.

5+ Ways to Deal With Late Submissions (Professor Guide)

5. Submitting the work in progress

There are many students who have not even started their projects and start giving excuses. Due to it the students have actually lost their assignment or may have not completed it due to some avoidable reasons, and also face consequences. In such a scenario, you may ask them to submit the work in progress of the assignment. It means that if they need to write an essay, they must include how much they have started and completed so far on online platforms like grade books used by the institutions.

6. Penalties

There are many professors who give a penalty to the student for submitting late work. It is because many of the professors believe that not giving any penalty will cause the students in more work. If the student is waiting for the marked period to end it will become not only only become hard for the student but also for the professors. It is because they will also get the burden of checking the assignments at the end and giving the right feedback. Also, the assignments that they get are related to the topics they are studying.

5+ Ways to Deal With Late Submissions (Professor Guide)

Therefore when they are completing the assignment late they will get confused between the content of the new topic and the assignment they are doing. Some penalties that you may give are the point reduction, contacting the parents, no redo, etc. If the student submits the assignment late you may reduce the assignment grade or may give 10% less grades. On the other hand, you may accept their assignment but will not allow them to redo it if there are any errors in the assignment. Further, you can also directly contact their parents and let them know that the student is not doing the assignments properly.

7. Allowing the late submission

There are many professors who will accept the late submission and give the student all the credits for it. For this case, most of the professors will allow the students to accept late submission as it will not give the students pressure and therefore they will be able to complete the assignment properly. However again most of the professors will give an extension to the students for completing the assignments in a specific period of time.


When a student submits their assignments late, it may piss off the professor as they will also get the burden of checking it. However, there are different ways to deal with late submissions like giving a homework pass, extending dates, giving flexible dates, etc. Another way to deal the late submission is by giving no homework to the students. When you will not be giving the homework to the students, they will get more time to complete it.

Further, if you give them flexible dates, it will help them to complete the work on time and with more perfection. As some of the students may genuinely not be able to complete the assignment, you must allow them to submit the work in progress online.


Does a late assignment affect your grade?

Late assignment means that you are submitting the assignment after the deadline offered to you. Of course, when you submit the assignment late, it will affect your final grade. However, there are many professors who allow late submissions without having any effect on the grades. Thus whether it will affect your final grade or not will depend upon the professor and the policies of the institution.

What are some of the reasons for late submission?

Following are some of the common reasons for late submission-
Health issue
Family issue
Losing a family member
Another paper
Taking care of a member of the family who is ill

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