When do Universities start?

After completing your A-levels you may want to apply to universities. For a student’s academic career, applying to university is a big and full of excitement zone. The experience of the university is very different from the school which makes it tougher also when it is compared to education. So at what time does the university start?

Quick Takeaways

  • Usually, the university will start at the end of September or at the beginning of October.
  • The universities decide their own dates of starting the universities due to which the date of starting varies from university to university. 

However, you must read till the end so that you understand when will the university start.

When do Universities start?

When do Universities start? 

Universities generally start at the end of September or we can say at the beginning of October every year. You are allowed to move into the accommodation 2 weeks before the Teaching starts at the university. By doing this, you have a lot of time to settle into the university and get used to the new area and surroundings of the university before the university starts.

There is also a fresher week offered by the University for the purpose of welcoming new students to the university. The fresher week is full of activities that are either conducted by the University society or by the student union. You must also remember that there are no half-terms at the university.

When Do Universities Start Teaching Course Content?

The university will usually start to teach its content at the end of September or we can say at the beginning of October. Though they will first offer you an introduction week and after that, you may have your regular classes.

When do Universities start?

The teachers will try to get the student to get back to learning after the long summer break. In the introduction week, the students have the opportunity to meet with the people in their class. That will not make this student get disturbed or lose focus on the learning content in the following week. After the introduction week is over the student starts to teach the student by following the timetable of the lectures.

How Did COVID-19 Affect University Starting Dates?

Due to the situation of covid-19 University is moved to online learning. As per the guideline given by the government, the students were able to attend classes by online method while sitting at home. And after that, the university gave the option of getting the education in which form as per the online classes the student can save money as the cost of renting and leaving is minus.

As the student is not allowed to move from home to University it created a lot of restrictions on meeting the people outside. As the government locked down on rule, the universities have taken extra precautions in which the student was not allowed to interact with each other.

When do Universities start?

Why Do Universities Have Different Starting Dates?

The schools and colleges of the UK do the work under government instruction but the universities are independent of the government and can run independently which makes the universities decide their own dates of starting the universities due to which the date of starting varies from university to university.

But the approx date of starting the university is considered to be the last week of September or the start of October. The difference in starting dates between the university may have a small gap only either it would be a few days or a week. You may also be enrolled in two different universities at the same time.

What Are The Starting Dates For Open University Students?

There are many students who are not able to take the class at the university for that student. The university has allowed them to take the classes online which would be helpful for a part-time, full-time student. Here the students get more ways to learn the class as per the traditional way of teaching. They do offer the student many courses and the time of the class is arranged in a way that it does not collapse with the time of other classes. mostly the course of teaching starts at the same time as other universities do i.e October.


The starting dates for teaching the students in the university are different from other universities as they are free to decide when to bring the session because the administration of the university runs independently. The approx date to start university is considered to be in the last week of September or starting of October. as the students are called to the university before only so that the student gets the chance to interact with the student and look at the new surroundings. A fresher week is the name given to the week in which they do fun activities etc.

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