Is There Any Retirement Age of the Professor? (Everything You Need to Know in 2024)

Being a professor is definitely one of the toughest jobs in the world. Not only do you have to spend years to become a professor but also need to take lot of different responsibilities as a professor. It shows how hard it is to become a professor, especially at a young age. However, whenever we choose a profession we always want to know the retirement age of that job role. Thus here we will help you to know more about the retirement age of the professor and also help you to understand the factors that will be affecting the retirement of the professor.

Quick Takeaways

  • There is no restriction all the retirement age of the professor. Usually, the professors take retirement at the age of 70.
  • Following are the factors that affect your retirement as a professor –
1. Financial Considerations
2. Age 
3. Health factor
4. Personal satisfaction

However, you must read till the end so that you get a better understanding of the retirement age of the professor.

Is There Any Retirement Age of the Professor? (Everything You Need to Know in 2024)

Is there any retirement age of the professor?

There is no age for a professor to retire from their job. As depends upon the professor itself when they want to retire. There may be different factors that help to determine the retirement age of the professor like the contract between the professor and the institution. Some institutions may ask for an early retirement and others may leave it to the professors themselves.

However, till 1982 there was a fixed retirement age of the professor set by the college and universities which was around 65. After 1982 and before 1994 the age was set at 70. However, in 1994 this age restriction was removed. Further, let us discuss the average age of retirement of the professors.

What is the average age of retirement of the professor?

As discussed above it may depend upon the number of factors which affect the retirement of a professor (which we will be discussing in the next section). There are professors who may take retirement in their early 60s. On the other hand, there are professors who also take retirement at the age of 70 or even at 80. However, according to different studies you will find that on average the professors take retirement at the age of 70.

Is There Any Retirement Age of the Professor? (Everything You Need to Know in 2024)

What are the factors that affect the retirement of the professors?

Following are the factors that may affect the retirement of the professor-

1 Financial Considerations

Every person has their own need and considerations. Who would not love to grow financially? There are many professors who think that being a professor may not make them financially strong. Due to this, they may take early retirement.

2. Age 

Age is a natural factor in taking retirement from the work you are doing. Usually, you become a professor at the age of 30 or 40. Naturally, when you are growing up you will want to take a rest and relax at your home. Thus when you are in your 60s or 70s you will want to get retirement from being a professor.

Is There Any Retirement Age of the Professor? (Everything You Need to Know in 2024)

3. Health factor

Usually, a common reason for taking retirement as a professor is the health factor. Increased age generally brings health-related problems. As your professor is growing up, he or she will start getting more health problems. In such a case when their health is deteriorating, they will think of taking retirement.

4. Personal satisfaction

There are many people who may have different aspirations for their professional life. Some expect a good work culture and others may accept a high salary. If your professor is not satisfied with the job, they will definitely take a retirement.

What do retired professors do?

Following are the different professions that you can take up as a retired professor-

1. Adjunct assistant or associate professor

Is There Any Retirement Age of the Professor? (Everything You Need to Know in 2024)

An adjunct professor is the one who is hired on the basis of part-time or for a particular contract like one year or two years. As an adjunct professor, you will have fewer responsibilities than full-time professors. However, you may get a lower salary than the full-time Professors.

2. Visiting assistant professor

Another job that you can take up as a retired professor is the visiting assistant professor. In such a job you may have to work for a different institution than the one you are retired from. Again the salary that you will be getting will be less than the full-time professors in the institution or than the professors who have received their tenure. Additionally, you will have fewer duties than the other professors.

3. Lecturers

There are many institutions that look for retired professors to give special lectures to the students in the institution. You may become a teaching lecturer in various institutions. Further, as you have given your life to a particular institution, they may ask you to become a special lecturer in their own institution. 

4. Consultant

As a retired professor, you will have a lot of knowledge related to the subject you have taught to the student. Also as you have great experience you can easily understand what a student is capable of. Thus you can think of becoming a consultant and help the students in getting their dream institution or help them to go on the right path of career.

Why should a professor should retire at the right age?

Following are the reasons why a professor should retire at the right age- 

  • You must retire at the right age as a professor as it will help to give a chance to the new generation. It is because unless the carefully a vacancy professor the young students with the young candidates will not be able to show their skills as a professor.
  • When you are a professor you will not get the time to spend with the professor. It will help you to spend time with the people you love.
  • You will not need to worry about the official duties any more. You can do whatever you want to without any restrictions.
  • If your plan remained uncompleted due to your duties, you could also complete them.
Asst professor age eligiblty || Age limits for Asst professor 2022|| Dr.Antima


Generally, there is no restriction on the age of retirement of a Professor. You can take retirement at any age you want to. However, you must remember that the average age at which the professor retires is around the age of 60 years. Further, there may be different factors like the contract between the institution and the professor, age, health, etc. In addition to that you can take up different professions like being a visiting assistant professor, adjunct assistant professor, etc. Some of the main reasons why you should have an early retirement are to give the new generation more opportunities and also to spend time with your family.

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