15 Ways to Make Reading Fun for Kids

Reading is a habit that everyone should develop from an early age. There is no other way to gain knowledge but to read. It not only helps you to gain knowledge but helps you a lot with other things. Reading is something that keeps your kids engaged and busy. You can help them with reading and make it a more fun activity. There are many different ways by which you can make your kid’s reading a fun activity. 

Quick Takeaways

  • Following are the ways by which you can make reading fun for the students-
1. Start reading early
2. Reading everything loud
3. Ask for help
4. Select the book
5. Read together every day
6. Read every type of form of readings
7. Five-finger test
8. Reading space
9. Connect the book with the life
10. Let the kid choose
11. Reading hours
12. Attending the library
13. Talk about the author
14. Playing reading games
15. Listen to audiobooks

However, you must read till the end so that you get a better understanding of the ways by which you can make reading fun for your kids.

15 Ways to Make Reading Fun for Kids

How Do You Make Reading Fun for Kids? – 15 Ways by which you can make reading fun for kids

It is very important for you to make your kid read at the right age. Along with it, you must make sure that you are making the reading more engaging and fun. Following are the ways by which you can make reading more fun for your kids-

1. Start reading early

You must start reading with your kids as early as possible. This will help them to make a habit of reading from the start. When your kid will start reading early they will start reading fluently as well. You can also enroll them in the 3k programs.

2. Reading everything loud

Any book can become a little bit more exciting when you read it aloud to your kid. Use different voices for each character in the given book. It will help you to make the story more entertaining. You can also alternately read aloud by picking up a character. This will help your kid to get engaged with the lessons.

3. Ask for help

Do not be hesitant to seek assistance if you notice any symptoms that your child is having trouble reading. You can connect them with a better tutor. There is no reason to feel ashamed. If you are a kindergarten teacher you must find out how you can assist by speaking with your child’s teacher.

15 Ways to Make Reading Fun for Kids

4. Select the book

Choosing a book that your child will enjoy reading is the basic step in making reading joyful. Ask your child which genres of literature they enjoy reading the most. It can be fun, adventure, fantasy, etc. Create a list of books in these categories and use it to assist your child in selecting the next book to read.

5. Read together every day

Children will value the time you spend giving them, especially your whole attention, even if it’s only for a short while. This can be made extra enjoyable by picking a chapter or series to read aloud to your child because you’ll both be interested in what the main character will do today. You can use Zentangles for teaching the students easily.

6. Read every type of form of readings

You will not always need to pick only a book for reading. Other excellent reading resources include magazines, graphic novels, and newspapers. While these may not seem like a burden on your child, they can nonetheless help them practice and develop their reading abilities.

7. Five-finger test

If a child doesn’t achieve tiny successes when reading, it might become extremely frustrating. To check if they are reading books at the right reading level, you can use the five-finger test. Open the book to any page and have your kid start reading. Have them hold up a finger whenever they reach a term they are unable to read. It is a challenge if they have 4–5 fingers up at the end of the page. 

15 Ways to Make Reading Fun for Kids

8. Reading space

Create a reading space where your youngster can relax and read alone. Your child will have a reading area where he or she can want to read a book. You can keep things like books, blankets, pillows, etc so that they enjoy reading.

9. Connect the book with the life

Establish links between the reading material your child is reading and their personal experiences. Before going on an adventure or visiting a museum, read books on something related to it. Your child will find reading to be more exciting as a result of this.

10. Let the kid choose

Give your child the freedom to select the book they wish to read. Giving your child a choice makes him or her feel like they have more power. It will make them more eager to read the book they choose.

15 Ways to Make Reading Fun for Kids

11. Reading hours

Set aside some time each day for your child to read a chapter of a book. Ask them what they liked best about it, and what they believe will happen next during this period.

12. Attending the library

A fantastic place for your youngster to find books to read is the library. Use the local library by allowing your kid to select a book or two that grabs his or her attention.

13. Talk about the author

When reading a book to your child, it’s very easy to skip straight to the title page. Instead, take a moment to read the book’s title and the names of the author out loud. Children frequently find it fascinating that the story and the pictures were created by someone.  

14. Playing reading games

Games are fun activities that every kid will enjoy. Try to install games that support reading. It will help your kids to keep engaged and read in a fun manner. Also playing games that help to gain some knowledge is much better than those that are played just for fun. You can also install some apps that will make the students get engaged with learning. You can also enroll them on learning platforms like hoot reading or DuolingoABC for developing reading skills.

15. Listen to audiobooks

Audiobooks are something that includes a recording of the books that are read out loud. There are many children who do not like to read books. An audiobook is a perfect option for them to get started with reading the books. You can also perform various musical activities to help your kids for better learning.


There are different ways by which you can help your kid to start reading effectively. Start giving them the reading tasks as early as possible. Go to the library with them and read some exciting books with them. Choose the genre which excites them the most. You can also download some exciting games that will help you to play games. Another way by which you can help them is by reading with them as loud as you can. Don’t let them read alone. 

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