What to do After Duolingo? (7+ Things You Can Do After Duolingo)

Duolingo has been an important source of learning the language. As it has a lot of languages to learn, it is one of the most famous platforms to use. If you are a language learner on Duolingo, you must have seen how interesting exercises are there on it. You may also be close to completing the course and might be confused about what to do after Duolingo. In such a case we will help you to know different things that you can do once you are done with Duolingo.

Quick Takeaways

  • Following are the things to do after Duolingo-
1. Keep using Duolingo
2. Try to increase your vocabulary knowledge
3. Use the material created by Native speakers
4. Use podcasts
5. Go for online tutors
6. Watch movies in the targeted language
7. Practice the words in real life
8. Try to learn the grammar rules more
9. Use HelloTalk app
10. Read the news in the targeted language

However, you must read till the end so that you get a better understanding of what can you do after Duolingo.

What to do after Duolingo?

Even if you have completed the Duolingo course it is very important for you to keep on with your language learning journey. This is because when you are learning a new language, focusing on a single course will never be enough. Therefore, you must know what you will be doing after completing the Duolingo course. Following are the things that you must do once you are done with Duolingo-

1. Keep using Duolingo

The first thing that you must remember is that you should never stop using it. It is because there are many exercises and many Duolingo challenges that keep going on and on. In such a situation you must not stop your Duolingo journey. Once you have completed the course of your targeted language then try to take the vice versa course. Suppose you were learning French with the base language of English, then you may take the base language as French and the targeted language as English. It will help you remember the content. 

2. Try to increase your vocabulary knowledge

Each of the courses on Duolingo has its own set of vocabulary listers and thus if you want to increase your knowledge of the vocabulary list, then you should try some other apps like Memorize, Drops, Anki, etc. 

a. Use Memrise

Memrise is the platform that will help you to learn the knowledge of the language through various flashcards. The flashcards will involve the words on the images with their meanings. You will have to see the words and remember the meanings of it. The flashcards that you will see on the screen, will have images that will depict the meaning of the words on it.

This app follows the basic approach of teaching vocabulary through the spaced repetition of the words. The platform also allows you to add your own images and memes on the platform. You can also have access to the vocabulary lists added by the other users.

b. Use Drops

Drops is again a language learning platform that will focus on teaching you the vocabulary list of the language you are learning. Again it will allow you to use the flashcards in order to remember the meaning of the words. It follows a similar approach to the above app and lets you create your own set of decks. Not only this you can again get access to the words uploaded by other people.

You will also get different sections on the platform including Food, travel, etc. All you need to select the section and based on that you will be getting vocabulary related to that section. It will help you to focus on the communication skills that are important to you.

c. Use Anki

Anki is another platform where you will be able to learn the language vocabulary through various flashcards. You can either create the flashcards or use the ones already uploaded by other people. It follows a particular system of spaced repetition of the flashcards that will help you to strongly remember the words you have learned so far. In starting you will see the repetition of the words faster and with time the repetition of words will have long intervals. When you regularly use the platform, the flashcards on it will become your mind so that you never forget the words.

3. Use the material created by Native speakers

As you have now completed a full course now is the time to look for the material which is created for native speakers. Try to search for different things in the language you have learned so far. Look for the articles and the blogs in your targeted language. Read the whole content and try to understand it by your own self. It will not only help you in learning the language but also help you to get attached to the language you are learning.

4. Use podcasts

Podcasts are the ones in which two different people have a conversation about a particular topic going on in the world. Try to look for the Podcast of the native speakers so that you can easily understand the pronunciation of the word spoken. Using podcasts will not only help you to develop your speaking but listening skills as well. If you didn’t do the conversations too fast try to slow down the speed. There are a lot of podcasts that also have transcripts. You can always use them to understand what is going on in conversations. 

5. Go for online tutors

The next step that you can take is to look for online tutors that can help you develop your language knowledge more strongly. The two most common platforms where you can find online tutors are iTalki and Preply. Both of the platforms allow you to either take one one-on-one session or group sessions. When you think of taking the one-on-one session you may also get instant feedback from the professors.

You will easily be able to filter the tutors on the platform on the basis of different features like experience, teaching style, etc. Further, it may also give you access to various study materials that will help you in learning the content easily. As the tutors on this platform are native speakers, you can practice with them the language.

6. Watch movies in the targeted language

Another common way of learning the language is by watching the movies and listening to them in the language you want to learn. Try to watch your favourite shows in the language you are learning. There are a lot of language options available on Netflix and you can choose the language you want to learn. When you will watch the movie or the web series in the targeted language it will make easy for you to learn the language. All sweets will help you to know the pronunciation of the words and how the conversations happen between the two native speakers of that language.

7. Practice the words in real life

The biggest mistake that most of the learners make is to not use the words in their daily day-to-day lives. When you actually want to learn the language it is very important for you to use those words in your regular life. Therefore try to use the words that you have learned on Duolingo. Practising what you have learned so far will help you in developing your knowledge and boosting your vocabulary. 

8. Try to learn the grammar rules more

An important thing that you must learn to become proficient in any language is its grammar rules. You can focus more on your grammar rules through various books and apps like Babble. Babble is a great platform that will help you to learn the rules along with various exercises. However, the biggest downfall of this platform is that there are no motivational tools like Duolingo Gems, Duolingo XP, etc. 

9. Use HelloTalk app

HelloTalk is the platform on which you can have conversations with the native speakers of the language you are learning. The platform offers you a chat box where you can have your live chats with a native speaker. On the platform, you will need to create your profile and choose the native and targeted language. Then your profile will be reviewed by the team of the company and based on that you will be getting the choice of the people to become your language exchange partners. 

10. Read the news in the targeted language

The most interesting thing that you can do is to read the news in your targeted language. When you do it, it will not only make your language skills stronger but will also help you to become more informative. Try to give 10 minutes daily for reading the news and see the improvement in your language skills. Download different apps which may show you the news in your targeted language. Of course not all the platforms will have all the language, thus you must make sure to do proper research.


Duolingo is one of the platforms that has a lot of languages to learn from. Learning a language on Duolingo is very common and when you are about to finish it, the biggest question that comes to mind is what to do after Duolingo. Well, there are a lot of things that you can do to improve your language. The first thing that you must do is to not stop using Duolingo and practice what you have learned in real life.

Another thing that you must do is to increase your grammar and vocabulary knowledge. There are various apps that you can use after Duolingo like Anki, Memrize, Drops, etc. Further, there are other platforms like iTalki and Preply where you can get a lot of online tutors for the language you are learning. 


Does anyone become fluent with Duolingo?

Duolingo is a platform that will help you to learn the language at the B2 level and thus it can not make you fluent in the language alone.

What happens when you finish the Duolingo course?

When you finish the course, your tree will turn golden and there will be nothing special about it. Further, you will be still getting different exercises to practise so that you do not forget the important words.

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