Navigating the University Journey: A Guide to Applying, Attending, and Succeeding
When you are completing further education you will have to look for higher education. You may be considering getting into the university. If you want to apply to the university you must know about the university journey coming ahead. Which university do you want to get into, how can you apply and what should you do with the university offer?
Quick Takeaways
- When you apply to the university you will get the result based on the application you have sent to them.
- You may also have to sit in the interview before getting the final offer from the university.
- Once you accept the offer from the university, you will be getting some time to change your time.
However, you must read till the end so that you do not miss any important facts related to the university journey.
Should you go to the university?
With the change in the education system, whether should you go to university or not has become a very debatable topic. Many believe that you can get related education online. However, some believe that going to university will help you to learn related skills. Getting into a university also helps you to increase the chance of getting high-paying jobs.
Not only this, but when you are at university you will also get knowledge through Seminars, workshops, and Lecturers. This is what you will not be getting if you do not get into university. Thus whether you should go or not will depend upon your own personal needs. It may also depend on the degree that you have taken as there are a lot of different university degrees to take. You must think about the factor that at the university level you will have to do a lot of independent studies that need a large amount of time.
When will your university confirm the palace?
If you live in the UK and want to apply to universities, your application will be accepted or rejected based on your A-levels. The A-level results and GCSE results will be received by the university on few days before the result day. Result day always comes on the second Thursday of August. You can track your application status on the UCAS track.
However, how much time the university will make for rejecting or accepting, will also depend upon the type of application you have applied. There are three types of applications-
Early Decision Application
In this type of application, it will become legally binding to accept the offer from the university. Thus you must send it to only one university.
Early action applications
In this type of application, you will send the applications to the university earlier than the regular application and the result for this application will also come out earlier.
Regular application
This is the most common application that you will be sent to the university. It is the one whose results will come out by April.
You must remember that when you are applying to the university it will look at your grades and marks. Along with your grades, you will also need to give some of the working experience. Thus you must try to get some good experience before applying for the job. After applying to the university you will have to sit into the university interview. Thus we have discussed in detail about university interview.
What is a university interview and how to prepare for it?
After applying to the university, you may have to sit in the university interview. It may be another factor to get selected along with the personal statement. The university interview usually takes place in early November or at the start of the interview session between October and April. It will depend upon the university you want to get into. Sometimes you may need to give mini-multiple interviews for getting into the university.
However, when you are sitting in the university interview you must make sure that you are wearing the right attire. You must wear clothes that are comfortable. Starting with you can choose to wear trousers along with a simple blouse or blazer. You can always choose to wear a formal suit in the interview.
Although choosing the right dress code for the interview is the best way to clear the interview, you must also read all the related information about the company and the position you are applying to. Also, you can try a mock interview with your friends and family members. You can also do a Master’s program at the university. You can do MBA,, MA, etc in it. In addition to it, you can also do PhD at the university. There is no restriction in selecting the subject. You can do PhD in English, psychology, economics, or in any other subject. Not only advanced degrees but also you can think of taking a lot of different programs like cheerleading in different universities.
Not only advanced degrees but also you can think of taking a lot of different programs like cheerleading in different universities.
When does university starts?
Your university is the higher education that will help you to get a degree in the subject you have chosen. It generally starts at the end of September or the beginning of October. Each semester at the university is usually around 12 weeks long. When you go to the university it is very important to know your fellow students and get settled around it. So they offer 2-week accommodation before the start of the classes. If you are not having any friends at the university you can use this time to make some new friends.
As you will be getting into the university after doing your A-levels, you will be starting the university journey at the age of 18 and when you are of the age 21 you will complete it. However, it will depend upon when you want to get into the university.
If you want to take a gap year in between you will be getting into the university when you are 19 or 20 and depending upon the course duration you will be graduating from the university. Suppose you have taken a language degree you may get graduate in two years instead of 3. The degree you will choose depends upon your capabilities and choices. Suppose you are good at fashion, you can think of taking fashion degrees. On the other hand, you can think of taking writing degrees if you are interested in writing.
What A-levels you must have to get into the university?
Depending upon the subject you want to choose in the university, you will have to select the A-level combinations. Suppose you are thinking of doing a degree in management, you may take a combination of business management, economics, or accounts.
If you are interested in a medical degree then you can think of combining A-level biology with other science subjects. But the main question before thinking of getting a degree in the university is whether it will be harder than the A-levels or not. If you have taken online A-levels, you will still be accepted into the university.
Can you get into the university without doing A-levels?
However, many students are not able to take A-levels and go for studying BTECs. Due to it, you may think that you will not get admission to the university. However, this is not true. You can quickly get into the university with BTECs. If we talk about numbers more than 95% of universities accept students who have BTECs.
With the change in education, most universities look at students who have some practical skills. Thus even if you have done EPQs, you can be easily selected by the university. This means that it has become possible to get into the university even without doing A-levels.
All you need to be in some kind of education. In fact, there are many universities that accept student applications based on how many UCAS points they have. Thus even if you have only 2 A-levels, you can get into the university easily but you need to earn them. There are many universities like De Montfort University, University of Westminister, etc that accept 2 A-levels.
However, if you are thinking of getting into Harvard, Oxford, or Cambridge, it may be very tough for you to get into without three A-levels. Further, you must know if oxford is tougher than Cambridge so that you can decide which university you want to get into.
What to do after accepting your University Offer?
When you apply to various universities you will be receiving offers from them. The university you are applying to will depend upon the course or the career you want to get into. Suppose you want to make a career in culinary, you will go to different schools. There will be times when you will not get the offer from the university you want to get into. It means that you are rejected by the university. However, it does not mean that you can not reapply to the university.
Getting offers from the university means that your application has been selected by the university. So once you get the offer you have to accept or reject it. Once you accept the offer you must start applying for the student loan. After it, you will have to look for university accommodations.
Once you accept an offer from the university, you may be getting offers from other universities as well. If you want to accept the offer from the other university you can easily do it. There are 14 days after you accept the offer to accept offers from the other university.
Another thing that you can do is get enrolled in two different universities at the same time. It is also known as a dual degree program. In this program, you can accept two different courses from two different universities. However, it is very difficult that both universities will allow you to do so as it will create a lot of burden on you. Similarly, you can also take up to five different courses within a single university at a time. You can even change the course once accepted by you. When you accept the offer, UCAS gives you some time in which you can change the chosen course.
How is the university degree classification is done?
Degrees are a very important part as it helps to get a high-paying degree. However, it does not mean that you can not get a high-paying job without it. Still, you must try to get good grades in your degree. If you are from the UK, you must understand that the grading system done in the university is different. When you get the degree certificate, you will see which level you get in your degree. Depending upon the grading system, your university degree classification is done-
First-class Honour
It is one of the most important degrees that you will be getting. While in a degree, when you score more than 70%, it is considered a first-class honours degree. You must make sure that you are studying hard to get it. Most employers will look for first-honour class while looking for your CV.
Second class
It is further divided into two different classes upper and lower second-class degrees. If you are scoring below 70% and above 60% it will be an upper second-class degree. However, if you have received between 50-60% you will be getting a lower second degree. If you have taken a second degree, you may need some loan for taking up the course. However, there are not many loan providers for a second degree.
Third class degree
In this degree, you will be scouring between 40-50%.
Ordinary degree
You will only get this degree if you are not able to get the third-class degree with few marks.
Also, you must remember that if you have taken any vocational subjects, your grading system will be based on Pass, Merit and Distinction. In this type of grading system, the distinction means you have done extremely well than the pass grade and merit means that you have scored well when compared to a simple pass.
What if you fail the final year?
Your parents have given you a lot of tuition fees for your university admission. Usually, up to 5000 euros are paid by your parents as tuition fees. Thus you must make sure that you are not failing any of the years in the university. When you fail your final year you are unable to get the required number of credits. Thus you must try to get good scores or at least pass the final year.
However, if you are unable to pass the final year, you can always think of repeating the whole year. Retaking the whole year is not easy, you will have to pay extra tuition fees and will have to retake the exam.
You must try to get in contact with the professors to know where you lack and what can you do in order to get the desired results. As there is no half-term and instead there are reading weeks, you can make use of it and cover the syllabus and revise for the final exams. There is no doubt that when you are in the university you will have to give a final assignment known as a dissertation. Make sure to focus on it as well.
Do proper research on the topic given and may sure that there is no plagiarism in it. It is because if you plagiarism the content, the university may fail you in the assignment or reject it. Thus make sure not to have plagiarism in it.
As you will have to take the help of textbooks to complete the assignments it is very important to have the right textbook. Though there are chances that you are living on a tight budget, you must try to get second-hand books. You can also look for a work placement at the university. If you get a short-time placement you may not get paid. On the other hand, if it is for the long term, it will be paid.
Once you complete your A-levels, it is time to get into higher education. The university is part of higher education that helps you to get a degree and increase your chances of getting a higher degree. To apply to the university you will need to get three A-levels. However, with the change in education pattern, you can get admission to the university without having A-levels. Also, you need to sit in the interview before getting the offer from the university. Based on it you will get the offer. However, you will get the result of your application based on its type of it. After accepting the offer you will get some time to change your choice. You can also take two different degrees at different universities.